Sunday, February 24, 2013

Small Town Framingham graduations...

this was the song of graduating classes as they took their seats, then we all had our song for our class.

Donnie & The Dreamers - Count Every Star

The days of diners, remember where they were?  Farley's Diner, Route 9 at Trolly Square...that was the biggest?  Anyone remember different?  There was Ken's and Caesar's on Rt 9, then downtown had a couple and up on Waverly Street in Coburnville.  I tried to remember where they all were when I wrote my book.  +David Mercer, where was Grant's store, I forgot?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Small Town Framingham, Linda Kasabian testifies against the Manson Family (2/3)

This is how I first met my 2nd cousin, George DiCenzo.  My grandfather and one brother, left New Haven, to settle in Massachusetts, another brother  ( and two sisters )stayed in New Haven, so we never met, until we were many years older, through the magic of the computer  When the movie came out, Mom told us that was our cousin , George who played the prosecutor.  He went on to many other film endeavors, including movies and TV, even Dark Shadows, was part of his resume.   George and I had fun talking on the computer, many mornings, once we met in cyber space.  George has passed on, but his sister+ Margherita Jellinek and I continue to touch base once in awhile. Imagine, how families drifted apart before the computer could put them in touch again, across the miles and years!

Small Town Framingham, Luci and Desi making TV fame in those days!

Luci and Desi  were television, we loved to watch their shows!

Small Town Framingham Baby Its Cold Outside - Esther Williams Ricardo Montalban

Another culture movie of the time, Esther Williams could sing too!

Small Town Framingham, Sonya Henie skates a dream scene

What little girl wouldn't dream to be able to do something so beautiful?  Lo and behold we produced some great champion figure skaters from the USA

Small Town Framingham, thoughts from Sun Valley Seranade

One of my favorite movies from the culture I grew up in, was Sun Valley Seranade.   Sonya Henie and Esther Williams were the models for little girls. I wanted so much to be a great skater, or swimmer.  The music was so beautiful, the times were unforgettable, it is hard to explain, you had to live in the America of the mid- 1940's and early 1950's to know how the world was so full of hope.  I think that is what the word is that describes the times, we were so happy to have won the war, that it was over and we could get back to making the world a better place for all of us....and we believed that was our job, to get out there and do things that created a better world for all.  My professor at Framingham State, said, "We have to climb the ladder and make room for those who follow behind."  I believed it.

Small Town America Framingham before the war/Shoppers World

It's time for another Street Smarts Program!
street smarts March 3 2013
Charlie Holt and his Dad on the tip cart at Good Luck Farm
Sunday, March 3rd
2:00 pm
Historic Village Hall - 2 Oak Street - Framingham
It may be hard to imagine Shoppers' World territory as farmland and nurseries, but that's exactly what was there before the first mall east of the Rockies came to town. Join Charlie Holt, a current Framingham resident with a connection to the area that dates to 1840, as he takes us back to a time when this bustling area of Speen Street and Route 30 had a more agricultural and horticultural flavor. Guests are also encouraged to share stories of how the explosive growth of the 1950s affected their families.
$5/person. Refreshments served.
Please direct inquiries to
Framingham History Center
16 Vernon Street
Framingham, Massachusetts 01703

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jordan Marsh Blueberry Muffins Return to Shoppers World - Framingham, MA Patch

Jordan Marsh Blueberry Muffins Return to Shoppers World - Framingham, MA Patch    In case you did not read The Patch,   here is a revival idea to benefit the Framingham History Center, so if you are in the area, drop by the old Shoppers World, John Harvard's is at the backside of the center.

Small Town Framingham 2nd world war targets?

Someone from Worcester told me that Worcester was a target city for enemy bombers, because it was vital to the war effort, with a number of industries converted to putting out production to win the war.  I had learned that about Philadelphia, which was in my book, but did not realize we were that close to a possible bombing location.  I knew of submarines along the coasts, because I read the newspapers as a child.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Small Town Framingham and heroes of the 1950's ...

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    Yes, we too, had a war to contend with.  I know that some of our classmates from the early 1950's became pilots, +Jack Pignolo, +Mel Foster, and that the Bay of Pigs was something they faced.  I know that +Michael Curley lost an eye in conflict, and that
+Chuck Lundberg became a Lieutenant Colonel, before he left the service to retire in Germany.  We had our heroes.  Can you add to the little I know...+Fred Ablondi and +Richard Hilliard, were special too, in the service they provided to our country.  Great stories can be told about the real life adventures our children of Framingham experienced as we grew up.  Contributions are welcome to this site.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

small town framingham history center jewelry

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  • And speaking of collaboration... check out these charming Shoppers' World necklaces made especially for our Museum Gift Shop by Framingham resident Cariann Steenbruggen! Get yours for only $20! Other local jewelry crafters are participating too in our celebration of Shoppers World! Stop by our Museum Gift Shop when you view the exhibition, opening Saturday Feb 16th 12-4 pm!
    And speaking of collaboration... check out these charming Shoppers' World necklaces made especially for our Museum Gift Shop by Framingham resident Cariann Steenbruggen! Get yours for only $20!  Other local jewelry crafters are participating too in our celebration of Shoppers World! Stop by our Museum Gift Shop when you view the exhibition, opening Saturday Feb 16th 12-4 pm!

Small Town Framingham

Oh, how about Joe Messana,  did I spell it right?  Joe was on the beat on the street once in awhile too, wasn't he  just at the tag end of the long time traffic cops, and just before the street lights came in...?


Small Town Framingham policemen in town

I forgot Charlie Burkus, he stood at the intersection of Waverly Street at the railroad tracks, for years.
There are other names still skipping my mind...

Have you checked on the doings at the History Center, if not just scroll down in this blog for information....

You can get my books at the History Center, all proceeds to the History Center.


Small Town Framingham, children of our generation

Here is a link to +David J. DeCenzo, if you knew him in Framingham High School, this is his web site for his photography, it is serene and beautiful.  David is the son of +Robert DeCenzo, and +Betty DeCenzo of Framingham.  Robert and his brother Paul, are mentioned in the book as cousins and playmates of my brother and me.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Small Town Framingham History Center news

e-news banner
As we make final preparations for the opening of our exhibition Shoppers' World 1951-1994 next week, more items continue to flow in. We just received a box of memorabilia from Ed Sanderson, proprietor of Joan and Ed's Deli and yesterday I talked to a former employee of the House of Zodiac. He was so excited about the exhibition that he's coming to do palm and card readings both opening night and day...
If you are not a member and want to join us for Opening Night next Friday (see specifics below) this is a member/donor event so please take advantage of our discounted member rate of $19.51 and join us now. Your membership supports our mission to preserve and share the rich history of Framingham including that of Shoppers' World. It is hard to believe, but this one of a kind mall is history. We are really looking forward to sharing it with you.
Annie Murphy
Executive Director
Shoppers' World 1951-1994
Opening at Edgell Memorial Library
3 Oak St. Framingham, MA

"Ask Me" Girls, Shoppers World opening day 1951

Opening Night - Friday, Feb. 15th 6:00-8:00pm
This '50s themed opening is a special event for our members and donors. We'll have decor and refreshments of the era and period attire is optional. Ladies, see above "Ask Me Girls" for ideas... We will relight the old neon Shoppers' World sign at 6:30 in front of the Edgell Memorial Library. If you're not presently an FHC member, click here to join at a special introductory Shoppers' World rate - just $19.51 for the year.
Opening Day - Saturday Feb. 16th
Come and revisit this "kinder, gentler shopping center" with a display of special images, stories, and memorabilia designed to rekindle memories of a place that helped define Framingham for 43 years. Open to the public. Admission $5.00.
Beginning February 20th Shoppers' World 1951-1994 is open through September 1st Wed. - Sat. from 1:00-4:00 pm. at the Edgell Memorial Library, 3 Oak St., Framingham, MA
Help us launch Shoppers' Ale!
John Harvard's
Brew House
One Worcester Road
Thursday, Feb. 21st
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Once upon a time, shoppers would take a break from browsing the 40+ stores at the "old" Shoppers' World to stop by the bakery at Jordan Marsh's mezzanine level for a famous blueberry muffin. John Harvard's brewmaster has created a nostalgic "Shoppers' Ale" - an amber ale with notes of blueberry and cinnamon, reminiscent of the enticing aroma of that delectable Jordan Marsh muffin! Come and purchase your collectible Shoppers World pint glass and join us for appetizers and a free beer sample as we launch this Shoppers' Ale! John Harvard's will continue to sell the custom ale for several months, with $1/pint and $2/growler benefiting the Framingham History Center. If you're unable to attend, don't miss getting your limited-edition pint glass at our museum shop when you come see the exhibition, or purchase online by clicking here!
History Biography Book Group
February 20th
7:30 pm
Barnes & Noble
Shoppers World, Framingham
This month, Martin Quitt will lead the discussion of his book Stephen A. Douglas and Antebellum Democracy. The History/Biography Book Group, a partnership effort of the FHC and Barnes & Noble is now in its 11th year! Free and open to the public, the group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except December (November's meeting is one day earlier due to holiday) with selections chosen by group members.
Join Our Mailing List
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In This Issue:
Getting Ready for Shoppers World
Shoppers' Ale
History Book Group
Street Smarts Program
New Job Opening
Arthur Fitts' Talk
Bernardi Sponsors Tour
Street Smarts: Good Luck Farm and the Land Before Shoppers' World
street smarts March 3 2013
Charlie Holt and his Dad on the farm's tip cart
Back by popular demand, our
Street Smarts series returns with a program that explores this part of Framingham before Shoppers' World moved in. FHC member and lifetime resident Charlie Holt shares his family's history with a presentation that brings us back to to a time when our town's makeup was much more agricultural.
SAVE THE DATE - MARCH 3RD, 2:00 PM, HISTORIC VILLAGE HALL, 2 Oak Street, Framingham.
We're Hiring!
The Framingham History Center is looking to fill a new part time (20 hrs) position of Development Assistant. Responsibilities include management of the Development Committee and FHC Ambassadors while maintaining the FHC etapestry database. Click here for a complete job description. Interested parties should submit resume and additional details to on or before February 20.
Patron's Presentation
Long-time FHC member Arthur Fitts is giving a talk before a joint meeting of the Boston Numismatic Society and the Currency Club of New England entitled:
"The Challenges and Rewards of Hometown Collecting"
Monday, April 8, 7:30 PM at
Trinity Church, 730 Main St. Waltham
Refreshments Served; all are welcome.
House Tour news...
House Tour logoMany thanks to Bernardi Auto Group for signing on as the first corporate sponsor for the FHC's 13th Annual House Tour on May 19th. Tickets go on sale March 1st. See next month's e-news for more details and ticket ordering info! Advertisers and sponsors should email
Bernardi logo

Small Town Framingham policemen on the street

Here goes....comon, I need some help!  These men stood at the intersections,downtown Framingham before we had traffic lights.  Some had regular places, and some filled in, on days off, etc.

+Fred Romani,  +Pascucci, +Lee Berte,+ Clinton, (even +Chief McCarthy was seen downtown taking charge and moving the traffic).

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Small Town Framingham Postmasters

Who remembers the Postmasters?  The post office was right down town, behind the National Bank, our beautiful buildings, the bank, post office and town hall.

The first one I remember is Cy Shay, father of +Joseph Shay, the second Postmaster was +William Pleshaw, great uncle of +Kim Cardiff.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Small Town Framingham, Dotty and Ken Allen

Do you remember, did you know?  + Dorothy Allen and +Ken Allen, they lived near +Dorothy Hildreth, just behind the Memorial school, and the beautiful +Mary Ann Morgan?  Mary Ann married +Gil Leonard, a welll known engineer in Framingham of the future, correct?  Ken Allen became famous in the Connecticut, New York area, as a radio and TV personality.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Small Town Framingham, theaters

What was your favorite theater?  When we were young, we could not go across the railroad tracks to the St George and the Gorman, besides all the cowboy movies were at the Hollis Theater and we got free encylopedias.  Each Saturday during the promotion, I got a new book.  It was wonderful!  My favorite theater, for most of us teens, I think...was the St George, across from the park downtown and next to the Wellworth, our favorite stop for frappes!  +Byron Sculos was at the counter all the time!

Small Town Framingham , "golden days"

Met up with+ Harriet Lemchen Miller and her husband +Alan Miller, for dinner Saturday night, both from Framingham in the long ago.  Harriet had a double promotion in grade school and I was breathless with excitement, thinking I would get one too, but, I did not prove as smart as Harriet, and never got it!  Love meeting up with people that knew Framingham in the old days.  Even this morning, I met someone from Worcester, who knew Framingham in its "golden days", as she referred to it.

Bing Crosby & Andrews Sisters Vic Shoen - Hot Time In The Town Of Berlin...

We even had upbeat songs, about when the Yanks got to those days .  Bing Crosby and the Andrew Sisters were big names for us.