Friday, August 16, 2013

Small Town America, Framingham ...we grew up blanketed in Heroes

 Why is my generation different?  We grew up with Heroes, men and women who sacrificed their lives and careers to keep the children and adults who remained at home safe from enemy invasion.
We went to school in security, we had air raid drills, we had news on the front page of enemy subs off our coast....but we were safe!  We went overseas, and helped the Brits and the rest of the Allies get their lands  and homes back in their possession.  We fought for the lives lost at Pearl Harbor and endured years of war and terror because one man wanted to control the world. We saw the end of this terrible war,  with the dropping of the atomic bombs....and endured the questions ..."Did we do the right thing ?"

  The generations of today never cried for the men and women who went to war.  They did not cry when the pictures of the devastation of the atomic bomb hit the newspapers....they will never really know.....Yes, we lived thru an era that the generations coming up behind us will never really know or understand, because the history of the 2nd World War is not alive in those generations as it was with us.   The terror of the war, the loss of our family members  the loss of our world wide youth, is forever with us, everyone sacrificed, some gave more than others, like 5 members of the Sullivan family the horrific battles and the jungle wars, our men endured..  Read "Ghost Soldiers", for a picture of what it was like . I can't explain it all here, but that was the motivation for my book,   Small Town America, Framingham, to give a picture of the time...thru my eyes as a child.

These people who endured, who went off to the unknown were Heroes!  They were our safety blanket in a world darkened with bullets, tanks, bombs, crashing planes, air raids by rockets and more, like submarines lost with crews of men drowned and lost forever.... 

Here is a copy of what is circulating on the internet and you can see how children like myself looked at these people who kept us safe as HEROES and always will...

World War Two Posters Found!
I got a lump in my throat when I read this.
I "grew up" thinking: patriotism, it is the AMERICAN way! I am glad to see that somebody saved these posters. The statement at the end says it all!


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